Artykuły w czasopismach JCR
Osyczka P., Kościelniak R., Stanek M. 2024. Old-growth forest versus generalist lichens: Sensitivity to prolonged desiccation stress and photosynthesis reactivation rate upon rehydration. Mycologia 116: 31–43. DOI
Patejuk K., Czachura P., Baturo-Cieśniewska A., Owczarek-Kościelniak M., Pusz W., Najberek K., Piątek M. 2024. Colletotrichum acericola sp. nov. from seeds of the invasive alien tree species Acer negundo in Poland. Plant Pathology 72: 1716–1725. DOI
Peryt D., Gedl P., Jurek K., Więcław D., Worobiec E., Worobiec G., Peryt T.M. 2024. Environmental perturbations around the Badenian/Sarmatian (Middle Miocene) boundary in the Central Paratethys: Micropalaeontological and organic geochemical records. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 647: 112221. DOI
Peryt D., Gedl P., Worobiec E., Worobiec G., Peryt T.M. 2024. Foraminiferal and palynological records of an abrupt environmental change at the Badenian/Sarmatian boundary (Middle Miocene): A case study in Northeastern Central Paratethys. Geosciences 14: 86. DOI
Piątek M., Lutz M., Kruse J., Stryjak-Bogacka M. 2024. Identification and characterization of Entyloma eschscholziae, a recently introduced pathogen in Europe, and its segregate Entyloma dendromeconis sp. nov. Plant Pathology 73: 57–68. DOI
Piątek M., Lutz M., Mossebo D.C., Piątek J. 2024. Emended description and phylogenetic placement of Dermatosorus schoenoplecti (Ustilaginales). Phytotaxa 674: 218–228. DOI
Piątek M., Stryjak-Bogacka M., Czachura P. 2024. Arthrocatenales, a new order of extremophilic fungi in the Dothideomycetes. MycoKeys 108: 47–74. DOI
Piątek M., Stryjak-Bogacka M., Czachura P. 2024. Emended Neodactylariales (Dothideomycetes): Szaferohypha gen. nov. and phylogenetically related genera. MycoKeys 111: 211–228. DOI
Piech W., Hrynowiecka A., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Cywa K., Mroczkowska A., Słowiński M., Okupny D., Krąpiec M., Ginter A., Mazurkevich A., Kittel P. 2024. Natural and anthropogenic factors affecting intense slope processes in Eastern Europe during the Modern Period: Serteyka river valley, Russia. The Holocene 34: 806–827. DOI
Plášek V., Číhal L., Müller F., Pöltl M., Wierzgoń M., Ochyra R. 2024. Newly found and rediscovered hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) in Poland: indicators of the climate change impact in Central Europe. PhytoKeys 248: 237–261. DOI
Pochocka-Szwarc K., Żarski M., Hrynowiecka A., Górecki A., Pidek I.A., Szymanek M., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Stachowicz K., Skoczylas-Śniaz S. 2024. Mazovian Interglacial sites in the Sosnowica Depression and the Parczew-Kodeń Heights (Western Polesie, SE Poland), and their stratigraphic, palaeogeographic and palaeoenvironmental significance. Geological Quarterly 68: 18. DOI
Popova L., Veklych Y., Kovalchuk O., Mishta A., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Gorobets L., Yanenko V., Nezdolii Y., Stupak A., Stakhiv M., Yevstropov A., Lyshenko M., Rekovets L., Barkaszi Z. 2024. Within the boundaries of the Dnipro ice lobe: Biotic dynamics in the Middle Dnipro area (Ukraine) during deglaciation and postglacial stages. Journal of Quaternary Science 40: 53–70. DOI
Qvarnström M., Vikberg Wernström J., Wawrzyniak Z., Barbacka M., Pacyna G., Górecki A., Ziaja J., Jarzynka A., Owocki K., Sulej T., Marynowski L., Pieńkowski G., Ahlberg P.E., Niedźwiedzki G. 2024. Digestive contents and food webs record the advent of dinosaur supremacy. Nature 636: 397–403. DOI
Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz A., Kontny B., Nowakiewicz T., Cywa K. 2024. Anthracological analysis of wooden shaft remains from the Roman-period sacrificial lake of Nidajno, Czaszkowo 1 site, north-eastern Poland. Archaeometry in press. DOI
Selvaraj S.K., Lelito B., Adamski M., Kamiński A. 2024. Optimization of isolation and concentration of the common freshwater cyanobacterial toxins ATX-a, CYN and MC-LR using standard techniques, optimization of cyanobacteria growth. Toxicon 251: 108137. DOI
Sobczyk A., Worobiec E., Olkowicz M., Szczygieł J. 2024. Mid-Miocene onset of the NE Bohemian Massif (SW Poland, Europe) growth, landscape evolution, and paleoenvironmental changes unraveled using paleokarst sediment palynology. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 640: 112107. DOI
Sobkowiak-Tabaka I., Gerasimenko N., Kurzawska A., Kufel-Diakowska B., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Stróżyk M., Rohozin Y.P., Ridush B., Levinzon Y., Boltaniuk P., Nechytailo P., Diachenko A. 2024. Risks beyond the ditch: Copper Age tannery from the settlement of Kamianets-Podilskyi (Tatarysky), Ukraine. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 16: 54. DOI
Stanek M., Kapusta P., Stefanowicz A.M. 2024. Effect of simulated litterfall and sapling growth of invasive Quercus rubra and native Q. robur on soil in a pot experiment. Forest Ecology and Management 551: 121505. DOI
Suchan T., Bataille C.P., Reich M.S., Toro-Delgado E., Vila R., Pierce N.E., Talavera G. 2024. A trans-oceanic flight of over 4,200 km by painted lady butterflies. Nature Communications 15: 5205. DOI
Szechyńska-Hebda M., Hebda M., Doğan-Sağlamtimur N., Lin W.-T. 2024. Let's print an ecology in 3D (and 4D). Materials 17: 2194. DOI
Turnau K., Pajdak-Stós A., Korzh Y., Domka A., Bień-Kostycz P., Fiałkowska E. 2024. Biological control of predatory fungi inhabiting activated sludge in wastewater treatment. Journal of Environmental Management 356: 120572. DOI
Walusiak E., Cieślak E., Wilk-Woźniak E., Szczepaniak M., Herrmann A., Petrulaitis L., Rašomavičius V., Uogintas D., Krztoń W. 2024. A wide range of abiotic habitat factors and genetic diversity facilitate expansion of Trapa natans within its native range. Journal of Environmental Management 370: 122468. DOI
Walusiak E., Krztoń W., Cieślak E., Szczepaniak M., Wilk-Woźniak E. 2024. Native recovery or expansive threat? Past and predicted distribution of Trapa natans L. s. l. on northern limit of species' range – Handout for species management. Ecological Indicators 158: 111349. DOI
Ważny R., Jędrzejczyk R.J., Rozpądek P., Domka A., Tokarz K., Janicka M., Turnau K. 2024. Bacteria associated with spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve the effectiveness of fungal inocula for red raspberry biotization. Microbial Ecology 87: 50. DOI
Wilk K., Lücking R. 2024. Quantitative integrative taxonomy informs species delimitation in Teloschistaceae (lichenized Ascomycota): the genus Wetmoreana as a case study. IMA Fungus 15: 9. DOI