Artykuły w czasopismach JCR
Gębica P., Michno A., Sobucki M., Wacnik A., Superson S. 2022. Chronology and dynamics of fluvial style changes in the Younger Dryas and Early Holocene in Central Europe (lower San River, SE Poland). Science of The Total Environment 830: 154700. DOI
Hacket-Pain A., Foest J.J., Pearse I.S., LaMontagne J.M., Koenig W.D., Vacchiano G., Bogdziewicz M., Caignard T., Celebias P., van Dormolen J., Fernández-Martínez M., Moris J.V., Palaghianu C., Pesendorfer M., Satake A., Schermer E., Tanentzap A.J., Thomas P.A., Vecchio D., Wion A.P., Wohlgemuth T., Xue T., Abernethy K., Aravena Acuña M.-C., Daniel Barrera M., Barton J.H., Boutin S., Bush E.R., Donoso Calderón S., Carevic F.S., de Castilho C.V., Manuel Cellini J., Chapman C.A., Chapman H., Chianucci F., da Costa P., Croisé L., Cutini A., Dantzer B., Justin DeRose R., Dikangadissi J.-T., Dimoto E., da Fonseca F.L., Gallo L., Gratzer G., Greene D.F., Hadad M.A., Herrera A.H., Jeffery K.J., Johnstone J.F., Kalbitzer U., Kantorowicz W., Klimas C.A., Lageard J.G.A., Lane J., Lapin K., Ledwoń M., Leeper A.C., Vanessa Lencinas M., Lira-Guedes A.C., Lordon M.C., Marchelli P., Marino S., Schmidt Van Marle H., McAdam A.G., Momont L.R.W., Nicolas M., de Oliveira Wadt L.H., Panahi P., Martínez Pastur G., Patterson T., Luis Peri P., Piechnik Ł., Pourhashemi M., Espinoza Quezada C., Roig F.A., Peña Rojas K., Micaela Rosas Y., Schueler S., Seget B., Soler R., Steele M.A., Toro-Manríquez M., Tutin C.E.G., Ukizintambara T., White L., Yadok B., Willis J.L., Zolles A., Żywiec M., Ascoli D. 2022. MASTREE+: Time-series of plant reproductive effort from six continents. Global Change Biology 28: 3066–3082. DOI
Hornyák M., Dziurka M., Kula-Maximenko M., Pastuszak J., Szczerba A., Szklarczyk M., Płażek A. 2022. Photosynthetic efficiency, growth and secondary metabolism of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) in different controlled-environment production systems. Scientific Reports 12: 257. DOI
Izdebski A., Guzowski P., Poniat R., Masci L., Palli J., Vignola C., Bauch M., Cocozza C., Fernandes R., Ljungqvist F.C., Newfield T., Seim A., Abel-Schaad D., Alba-Sánchez F., Björkman L., Brauer A., Brown A., Czerwiński S., Ejarque A., Fiłoc M., Florenzano A., Fredh E.D., Fyfe R., Jasiunas N., Kołaczek P., Kouli K., Kozáková R., Kupryjanowicz M., Lagerås P., Lamentowicz M., Lindbladh M., López-Sáez J.A., Luelmo-Lautenschlaeger R., Marcisz K., Mazier F., Mensing S., Mercuri A.M., Milecka K., Miras Y., Noryśkiewicz A.M., Novenko E., Obremska M., Panajiotidis S., Papadopoulou M.L., Pędziszewska A., Pérez-Díaz S., Piovesan G., Pluskowski A., Pokorny P., Poska A., Reitalu T., Rösch M., Sadori L., Sá Ferreira C., Sebag D., Słowiński M., Stančikaitė M., Stivrins N., Tunno I., Veski S., Wacnik A., Masi A. 2022. Palaeoecological data indicates land-use changes across Europe linked to spatial heterogeneity in mortality during the Black Death pandemic. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6: 297–306. DOI
Izworska K., Muter E., Fleischer P. Zielonka T. 2022. Delay of growth release after a windthrow event and climate response in a light-demanding species (European larch Larix decidua Mill.). Trees 36: 427–438. DOI
Janik P., Shchepin O., Moreno G., Ronikier A. 2022. Contribution to the island biogeography – case study of a nivicolous myxomycete Didymium nivicola (Myxomycetes) from Tenerife. Nova Hedwigia 115: 143–155. DOI
Journé V., Andrus R., Aravena M.-C., Ascoli D., Berretti R., Berveiller D., Bogdziewicz M., Boivin T., Bonal R., Caignard T., Calama R., Camarero J.J., Chang-Yang C.-H., Courbaud B., Courbet F., Curt T., Das A.J., Daskalakou E., Davi H., Delpierre N., Delzon S., Dietze M., Donoso Calderon S., Dormont L., Maria Espelta J., Fahey T.J., Farfan-Rios W., Gehring C.A., Gilbert G.S., Gratzer G., Greenberg C.H., Guo Q., Hacket-Pain A., Hampe A., Han Q., Lambers J.H.R., Hoshizaki K., Ibanez I., Johnstone J.F., Kabeya D., Kays R., Kitzberger T., Knops J.M.H., Kobe R.K., Kunstler G., Lageard J.G.A., LaMontagne J.M., Leininger T., Limousin J.-M., Lutz J.A., Macias D., McIntire E.J.B., Moore C.M., Moran E., Motta R., Myers J.A., Nagel T.A., Noguchi K., Ourcival J.-M., Parmenter R., Pearse I.S., Perez-Ramos I.M., Piechnik L., Poulsen J., Poulton-Kamakura R., Qiu T., Redmond M.D., Reid C.D., Rodman K.C., Rodriguez-Sanchez F., Sanguinetti J.D., Scher C.L., Marle H.S.V., Seget B., Sharma S., Silman M., Steele M.A., Stephenson N.L., Straub J.N., Swenson J.J., Swift M., Thomas P.A., Uriarte M., Vacchiano G., Veblen T.T., Whipple A.V., Whitham T.G., Wright B., Wright S.J., Zhu K., Zimmerman J.K., Zlotin R., Zywiec M., Clark J.S. 2022. Globally, tree fecundity exceeds productivity gradients. Ecology Letters 25: 1471–1482. DOI
Khodosovtsev A., Darmostuk V., Prylutskyi O., Kuzemko A. 2022. Silicicolous lichen communities of the Ukrainian Crystalline Shield. Applied Vegetation Science 25: e12699. DOI
Klisińska-Kopacz A., Obarzanowski M., Frączek P., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Gargano M., Goslar T., Chmielewski F., Dudała J., del Hoyo-Meléndez J.M. 2022. An analytical investigation of a wooden panel painting attributed to the workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder. Journal of Cultural Heritage 55: 185–194. DOI
Kosecka M., Kukwa M., Jabłońska A., Flakus A., Rodriguez-Flakus P., Ptach Ł., Guzow-Krzemińska B. 2022. Phylogeny and ecology of Trebouxia photobionts from Bolivian lichens. Frontiers in Microbiology 13: 779784. DOI
Kot M., Berto C., Krajcarz M.T., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Gryczewska N., Szymanek M., Marciszak A., Stefania K., Zarzecka-Szubińska K., Lipecki G., Wertz K., Madeyska T. 2022. Frontiers of the Lower Palaeolithic expansion in Europe: Tunel Wielki Cave (Poland). Scientific Reports 12: 16355. DOI
Kurek P., Piechnik Ł., Wiatrowska B., Ważna A., Nowakowski K., Pardavila X., Cichocki J., Seget B. 2022. Badger Meles meles as ecosystem engineer and its legal status in Europe. Animals 12: 898. DOI
Margielewski W., Krąpiec M., Kupryjanowicz M., Fiłoc M., Buczek K., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Obidowicz A., Pociecha A., Szychowska-Krąpiec E., Sala D., Klimek A. 2022. Bog pine dendrochronology related to peat stratigraphy: Palaeoenvironmental changes reflected in peatland deposits since the Late Glacial (case study of the Imszar raised bog, Northeastern Poland). Quaternary International 613: 61–80. DOI
Mirosław-Grabowska J., Borówka R.K., Radzikowska M., Sławińska J., Hrynowiecka A., Sobczyk A., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Stefaniak K. 2021. Environmental changes recorded in the sequence of lake-peat bogs in the Eemian Interglacial and Vistulian on the basis of multi-proxy data. Quaternary International 632: 51–64. DOI
Mueller-Bieniek A., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Wilczyński J., Przybyła M.M. 2022. The same spot – Two different worlds: Plant and animal remains from multiculture site at Sadowie in southern Poland. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 38: 103608. DOI
Murawska-Wlodarczyk K., Korzeniak U., Chlebicki A., Mazur E., Dietrich C.C., Babst-Kostecka A. 2022. Metalliferous habitats and seed microbes affect the seed morphology and reproductive strategy of Arabidopsis halleri. Plant and Soil 472: 175–192. DOI
Nowicka-Krawczyk P., Żelazna-Wieczorek J., Skrobek I., Ziułkiewicz M., Adamski M., Kaminski A., Żmudzki P. 2022. Persistent cyanobacteria blooms in artificial water bodies – an effect of environmental conditions or the result of anthropogenic change. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19: 6990. DOI
Ochyra R., Øvstedal D.O., Broady P.A. 2022. The distribution of lichens and mosses at Edward VII Peninsula, Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica. Antarctic Science 34: 423–431. DOI
Ossowska E.A., Moncada B., Kukwa M., Flakus A., Rodriguez-Flakus P., Olszewska S., Lücking R. 2022. New species of Sticta (lichenised Ascomycota, lobarioid Peltigeraceae) from Bolivia suggest a high level of endemism in the Central Andes. MycoKeys 92: 131–160. DOI
Pacyna G., Barbacka M. 2022. Polish palaeobotany: 750 million years of plant history as revealed in a century of studies. Palaeozoic macrofossils. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 91: 9123. DOI
Pacyna G., Ziaja J., Barbacka M., Pieńkowski G., Jarzynka A., Niedźwiedzki G. 2022. Early Jurassic dinosaur-dominated track assemblages, floristic and environmental changes in the Holy Cross Mountains region, Poland. Geological Quarterly 66: 29. DOI
Pastuszak J., Dziurka M., Hornyák M., Szczerba A., Kopeć P., Płażek A. 2022. Physiological and biochemical parameters of salinity resistance of three durum wheat genotypes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23: 8397. DOI
Pawlik Ł., Okupny D., Kroh P., Cybul P., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Sady-Bugajska A. 2022. Changing natural conditions and their impact on the Mt. Śnieżnica landscape, Outer Western Carpathians – Reconstruction of the Holocene environment based on geochemical indices and radiocarbon dating. Science of the Total Environment 850: 158066. DOI
Pawłowska K., Zieliński T., Woronko B., Sobkowiak-Tabaka I., Stachowicz-Rybka R. 2022. Integrated environmental records in Late Pleistocene Poland: The paleofluvial regime and paleoclimate inferred from Krosinko site. Quaternary International 616: 12–29. DOI
Piechnik Ł., Holeksa J., Ledwoń M., Kurek P., Szarek-Łukaszewska G., Żywiec M. 2022. Stand composition, tree-related microhabitats and birds – A network of relationships in a managed forest. Forests 13: 103. DOI