Recent publications
Qvarnström M., Vikberg Wernström J., Wawrzyniak Z., Barbacka M., Pacyna G., Górecki A., Ziaja J., Jarzynka A., Owocki K., Sulej T., Marynowski L., Pieńkowski G., Ahlberg P.E., Niedźwiedzki G. 2024. Digestive contents and food webs record the advent of dinosaur supremacy. Nature 636: 397–403. DOI
Bogdziewicz M., Chybicki I., Szymkowiak J., Ulaszewski B., Burczyk J., Szarek-Łukaszewska G., Meyza K., Sztupecka E., Ledwoń M., Piechnik Ł., Seget B., Kondrat K., Holeksa J., Żywiec M. 2024. Masting and efficient production of seedlings: balancing costs of variation through synchronized fruiting. Ecology Letters 27: e14514. DOI
Journé V., Bogdziewicz M., Courbaud B., Kunstler G., Qiu T., Acuña M.-C., Ascoli D., Bergeron Y., Berveiller D., Boivin T., Bonal R., Caignard T., Cailleret M., Calama R., Camarero J., Chang-Yang C.-H., Chave J., Chianucci F., Curt T., Cutini A., Das A., Daskalakou E., Davi H., Delpierre N., Delzon S., Dietze M., Calderon S., Dormont L., Espelta J., Farfan-Rios W., Fenner M., Franklin J., Gehring C., Gilbert G., Gratzer G., Greenberg C., Guignabert A., Guo Q., Hacket-Pain A., Hampe A., Han Q., Hanley M., Lambers J., Holík J., Hoshizaki K., Ibanez I., Johnstone J., Knops J., Kobe R., Kurokawa H., Lageard J., LaMontagne J., Ledwon M., Lefèvre F., Leininger T., Limousin J.-M., Lutz J., Macias D., Mårell A., McIntire E., Moran E., Motta R., Myers J., Nagel T., Naoe S., Noguchi M., Norghauer J., Oguro M., Ourcival J.-M., Parmenter R., Pearse I., Pérez-Ramos I., Piechnik Ł., Podgórski T., Poulsen J., Redmond M., Reid C., Samonil P., Scher C., Schlesinger W., Seget B., Sharma S., Shibata M., Silman M., Steele M., Stephenson N., Straub J., Sutton S., Swenson J., Swift, M., Thomas P., Uriarte M., Vacchiano G., Whipple A., Whitham T., Wright S., Zhu K., Zimmerman J., Żywiec M., Clark J. 2024. The relationship between maturation size and maximum tree size from tropical to boreal climates. Ecology Letters 27: e14500. DOI
del Hoyo-Meléndez J.M., Klisińska-Kopacz A., Kopyciak A., Krupska-Wolas P., Matosz M., Obarzanowski M., Ryguła A., Skóra K., Wilkosz T., Chmielewski F., Chmielewska M., Grochowska-Angelus M., Novljaković K., Tarsińska-Petruk D., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Goslar T., Ambroziak S., Biskupska A., Smolnicka A. 2024. Analysis of materials and artistic techniques in Vincent van Gogh's Country Huts Among Trees. Journal of Cultural Heritage 70: 293–301. DOI
Pem D., Hyde K.D., McKenzie E.H.C., Hongsanan S., Wanasinghe D.N., Boonmee S., Darmostuk V., Bhat J.D., Tian Q., Htet Z.H., Senanayake I.C., Niranjan M., Sarma V.V., Doilom M., Dong W. 2024. A comprehensive overview of genera in Dothideomycetes. Mycosphere 15: 2175–4568. DOI
Walusiak E., Cieślak E., Wilk-Woźniak E., Szczepaniak M., Herrmann A., Petrulaitis L., Rašomavičius V., Uogintas D., Krztoń W. 2024. A wide range of abiotic habitat factors and genetic diversity facilitate expansion of Trapa natans within its native range. Journal of Environmental Management 370: 122468. DOI
Chowaniec K., Zubek S., Zalewska-Gałosz J., Stanek M., Skubała K. 2024. Mosaic of biological soil crusts and vascular plants contributes to the spatial heterogeneity of key soil properties at different successional stages of restored inland sand dunes. Plant and Soil in press. DOI
Cywa K., Karczewski M., Wacnik A. 2024. Anthracological data as evidence of cultural distinctions in wood usage by communities from the Western Baltic cultural circle in Poland. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 60: 104849. DOI
Krzewicka B., Parnikoza I., Ivanets V., Yevchun H., Smykla J. 2024. Diversity and distribution of the lichen genus Umbilicaria in the Argentine Islands–Kyiv Peninsula region, the maritime Antarctic. Scientifc Reports 14: 17310. DOI
Kurek P., Wiatrowska B., Piechnik Ł., Holeksa J. 2024. Phenological gap in fruiting period and dispersal of seeds from alien fleshy-fruited plants by medium-sized carnivores in temperate forests of Central Europe. NeoBiota 93: 321–337. DOI