Books & Journals

Peer Review Process

  • Each article accepted for editorial process must be reviewed by at least two external and independent reviewers, selected by the Editorial Committee, or the Editor.
  • Articles in foreign language are reviewed by at least one reviewer affiliated at a foreign institution in a country other than that of the author(s) of a reviewed manuscript.
  • The performance of a review is confirmed by the agreement guaranteeing its fair and timely execution. A review must be in written form and clearly conclude whether the article should be published (without changes, with minor revision, or major revision), or rejected.
  • Peer review is "single-blind" which means that the identity of the reviewers is not disclosed to the author(s).
  • After review, the author(s) is(are) informed of the results of the evaluation and receive the Editors' decision with any relevant reviewers' comments.
  • Reviewers are obliged to maintain confidentiality, not disclosing information from the reviewed paper.
  • Each manuscript accepted for publication must be recommended for publication by both reviewers. In case of contradictory opinions, additional reviewers are invited. If most peer reviews are negative, the paper is rejected.
  • Once the author(s) resubmit the article, the Subject Editors look through the revision and consider whether the author(s) adequately addressed all of the issues raised by the reviewers and whether they have justified their disagreement with the corrections suggested by the reviewers. If the authors' response is unsatisfactory, they may be asked to make further revisions.